Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Using 12 leads placed around your heart and on your limbs an ECG measures and records the electrical activity of your heart.

Other Cardiac Procedures
No particular preparation is required for an ECG. Ahead of the test you can eat and drink normally as well as take all of your usual medications.
As an ECG will be assessing your heart, it will be best to wear a two-piece outfit to allow for easier access to your chest. Pants that have a looser fit at the ankles will assist in being able to accurately place the leads that will go on your lower limbs.
For the ECG you will be asked to remove your top and bra (if you’re wearing one). You will be offered a gown to wear.
Sticky dots attached to the monitoring leads will be placed around your chest and on your upper and lower limbs.
During an ECG you will be asked to lie on your back.
ECGs usually take about 15 minutes.
An ECGs is a non-invasive procedure so you can return immediately to your usual everyday activities.
Your ECG will be reviewed and the report will be sent to your referring doctor. It is best to make an appointment with them to follow up on the results.
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. EKGs measure your heart’s electrical activity (known as your heart’s “electrical signature”).
EKGs can help doctors diagnose many heart problems.
EKG (Electrocardiogram) and ECG (Electrocardiography) are the same things. EKG is the acronym for the device, ECG is the acronym for the study.
An echocardiogram, also known as an ECHO, is a test doctor order to diagnose heart problems. The Echo uses sound waves to look at the heart’s structure, how well your heart is pumping, and how well your heart valves are working.