Tubal Patency Assessment (HyCoSy)

A tubal patency ultrasound checks whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked.​

It is a low risk procedure which is performed in the ultrasound room and is the ideal test for checking the shape of the uterine cavity and tubal patency and can direct the type of treatment that is required for women having trouble falling pregnant.

Tubal patency assessment

Other Treatments

Gynaecological Conditions


Pregnancy Scans

Pre-Pregnancy Scans


What are the common reasons for having this examination?

You should not have the procedure if you are pregnant or may be pregnant at the time of the examination or you have acute pelvic infection or unexplained pelvic tenderness which may be due to pelvic inflammatory disease. 

This technique is used to detect abnormalities of the uterus, endometrium and fallopian tubes or tubal blockage. Essentially a small amount of fluid is injected into the uterus through a fine tube. 

This procedure is a safer and generally more comfortable alternative to the conventional hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which uses X-rays. There is no ionising radiation or iodinated contrast material used.

The actual HyCoSY procedure usually lasts about 5 minutes and the majority of the appointment involves the initial ultrasound assessment and procedure set-up.

You will have the opportunity to ask any questions prior to the procedure being performed.

The procedure is performed in the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle after bleeding has ceased. If you have irregular or infrequent periods the timing should be discussed with your doctor or with us prior to making a booking.

In general it is not necessary to take antibiotics before the procedure but these may need to be considered in special circumstances. You should discuss the need for antibiotics with your referring doctor who will write a prescription for the antibiotics which need to be taken 2 hours prior to attendance for the procedure.

No anaesthesia is required for this procedure. It is associated with some discomfort although HyCoSy is probably less uncomfortable than HSG as the fluid injected (saline or Definity contrast solution) is less irritant than the radio-opaque dye used in HSG. 

Some patients find a single dose, 1 hour prior to the procedure, of simple analgesia (e.g. Naprogesic) helpful. 

A tubal patency test, is a low risk ultrasound procedure performed to check whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked.​

Tubal patency test is generally not painful and no anaesthesia is required for the procedure. The pain experienced during the test is very variable. Some women feel absolutely no pain, while other women feel significant cramping of the uterus when the contrast is injected. In such cases a single dose, 1 hour prior to the procedure, of simple analgesia. can be helpful.

Alternatives to HSG are: HyCoSy, which is a safer and generally more comfortable alternative to the conventional HSG which uses X-rays. Laparoscopy, a surgical procedure that requires general anesthesia and can give a detailed view of the inside of the uterus.

Tubal patency is determined by an x-ray test called a hysterosalpingography (HSG). HSG is a standard imaging scan that is used to determine if the fallopian tubes are open and free of disease. It is commonly done in women with an infertility diagnosis.

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